It is announced that a popular TV anime “Blue Exorcist” is back as “Blue Exorcist Kyoto Impure King Arc”! Blue Exorcist is a popular shonen manga by Kazue Kato serialized on “Jump Square.” It received an anime adaption in 2011 and also had a movie with an original story in 2012.
Trailer (Available only in Japan)
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They also revealed new characters and casts:
Tatsuma Suguro (CV: Takashi Inagaki)
Ruji’s father and a head priest of the Cursed Temple
Juzo Shima (CV: Katsuyuki Konishi)
The second son of Shima family
Kinzo Shima (CV: Kisho Taniyama)
The fourth son of Shima family
Mamushi Hojo (CV: M.A.O)
A middle first class exorcist
Saburota Todo (CV: Kazuhiro Yamaji)
A former teacher at the Exorcist Cram School and director of the Saishinbu
Original: Kazue Kato
Director: Koichi Hatsumi
Series Composition: Toshiya Ono
Character Design: Keigo Sasaki
Music: Hiroyuki Sawano / KOHTA YAMAMOTO
Production: A-1 Pictures
Source: Animate Times