Converse revealed a new collaboration collection with Ultraman to celebrate Ultraman series’ 50th year anniversary. Ultraman series was first aired on TV back in 1966 and it has been loved by kids and fans since then.
In addition to Ultraman, your favorite villains Eleking and Alien Baltan will be featured in this collection.
“All Star Ultraman R HI”
It comes with Ultraman’s classic colors and both blue and red patches on the side remind you of Ultraman’s color timer.
“All Star Eleking R HI”
One of the coolest thing about this shoes is it glows in the dark! Since Eleking is an electric kaiju, they made sure that it glows like Eleking to support your way even at night.
“All Star Alien Baltan R HI”
They recreated Alien Baltan’s face when you see it from the above. This is the only low cut shoes in this collection.
These sneakers will be released in July only in Japan for between ¥8,500 to ¥9,500.
Source: Fashion Press