It is a graduation season, and it is also time to express the students’ gratitude for those who support them such as their family, partner, friends, classmates, and professors for making it through all over the several years.
This graduate, Ryan-Nghi Thaia attended the Commencement at California State Polytechnic University’s Business Administration School with his biggest supporter, Nico Yazawa body pillow on June 9th. Nico Yazawa is a character of μ’s from Love Live!. He received his diploma with his waifu for his big moment. The ceremony was live-streamed on YouTube, and a screenshot of Ryan with a body pillow was spread over Twitter by @honkposter.
Ryan’s image on Cal Poly Pomona’s official Facebook page has received 1.6k likes and 3,250 shares so far as well. This photo’s comment section is filled with all the support and respect for him.
The future is in good hands, I see.