©Ryoko Kui,KADOKAWA/”Delicious in Dungeon” PARTNERS




Delicious in Dungeon” has been cooking up a storm!

Created by manga author Ryoko Kui and adapted into an anime series by Studio TRIGGER, which was released earlier this year, the heartfelt gourmet fantasy adventure has captivated audiences worldwide, and left them hungry for more.

The story follows Laios and his group of dungeon explorers who, during their expedition, unexpectedly encounter a red dragon. In a desperate attempt to save their lives, Laios’ sister, Falin, teleports the group to safety outside the dungeon before being consumed by the dragon. Now, as they make their way back down to the dungeon before she’s fully digested, how will they survive without gear, money, and, most of all, food?!

This summer, during Anime Expo 2024, we sat down with Delicious in Dungeon’s director, Yoshihiro Miyajima, and character designer, Naoki Takeda. Whet your palette with this exclusive interview before the highly anticipated Season 2, currently in the works! Catch up on “Delicious in Dungeon”, Season 1, now streaming on Netflix.

Watch Delicious in Dungeon on Netflix: https://www.netflix.com/title/81564899



Note: Japanese translations have been adapted for readability.

Thank you to our partners at Kadokawa and Netflix.
Yen Press is the official licensor for the manga in North America.


Still having some hunger pangs? Read our interview with Kentaro Kumagai, the voice of Laios, and Sayaka Sembongi, the voice of Marcille here!


1)  For Japanese anime studios, it’s difficult at times to determine what will be a hit, especially a series that has been picked up by Netflix for an international market. Were you surprised by the Western reception to “Delicious in Dungeon”? What do you think makes this series different from others that you’ve worked on in the past?

Yoshihiro Miyajima: At TRIGGER, we never think about what’s going to be a hit when we’re working on an upcoming title. It’s TRIGGER’s philosophy that, as creators, we should always enjoy working on the anime; we must love the series! I feel like that’s also why, even overseas fans, found it so compelling. Foremost, the original manga is very entertaining. It’s a great story! But, I think, ultimately, it became as popular as it is now because our team thoroughly enjoyed working on the show.


2)  For Takeda-san, looking at your very long list of previous credits, you’re most known for your work as a key animator or animation director. “Delicious in Dungeon” appears to be one of the first times you’re listed as a lead character designer (while also being an animation director for several episodes). How was this experience the same or different? Was there any difficulty adapting Ryoko Kui’s original designs to anime, especially since there are so many different characters?

Naoki Takeda: At TRIGGER, I’ve had the privilege of designing characters in the past, however, this was the first time as a lead character designer for a series.

In an assistant character designer role, I only had to follow the instructions and designs of our senior character designer.

Those not familiar with the animation industry may think that the roles of a lead character designer and assistant character can’t be much different. While the job roles can be very similar, when I first worked on this series as a lead character designer, I felt that the differences in philosophical aspects were more significant than I had expected. It was very challenging, but it was very worth it.


3)  Was there a lot of collaboration with Ryoko Kui-sensei, the creator of “Delicious in Dungeon”, during production?

Miyajima: She was helping us little by little, overall. The most significant collaboration was the illustration in the very last episode.


4) How has the experience been so far meeting American fans at Anime Expo?

Miyajima: I feel like all the American fans have so much love for the series! As a fan of “Delicious in Dungeon” myself, I’m happy to see so many people who support the series with the same enthusiasm as I do.

Takeda: I was actually quite nervous, but American fans are so welcoming, so warm, so nice. So, I was very grateful for that.


5)   Last year at Anime Expo, we talked with Kentaro Kumagai (voice of Laios) and Sayaka Sembongi (voice of Marcille). We heard you brought beetles and scorpions in for a taste test. We’re curious to know if you all tasted it and what your impression was. Has your relationship with food changed after the series?

Miyajima: One of the sound engineers brought those during the second recording session. I tried the scorpions.

Takeda: I tried the scorpions, too.

Miyajima: Well, I didn’t want to eat it, and it didn’t taste good. (laugh) But Sembongi-san was like, “Since we went through all of this together, we’re nakama (friends) now! This experience must have deepened our bond!” (laugh)


6)  (*SPOILER WARNING) We’ve seen some recent figures that have been released and approved by your licensing team, particularly those from POP UP PARADE. The Falin Chimera XL figure has been the talk of the town, and she appears to be considerably larger than what people had initially imagined. Do you think the figure is to scale to what you had intended in the series?

Miyajima: We tried to remain faithful to the original manga. In the manga, the scale can sometimes appear inconsistent between frames, but we work hard to maintain consistent sizing in the anime. If you hold the actual figure, it seems like you’re holding a chicken! (laugh)



7) There are several important themes in the series. What do you think are some of the most important?

Miyajima: Of course, the original source material is the manga, but our view towards food is… if you want to survive, if you want to eat, you need to take someone else’s life. So, that standpoint about food was very important to us while we were working on the anime.


8)  Season 2 has been announced. What should fans look forward to?

Miyajima: Obviously, we can’t reveal too many details. But, please look forward to Kabru and Mithrun in Season 2.

Takeda: In the first season of the anime, many characters made appearances, but some didn’t play a major role at the time. But, these characters might have important roles and significant scenes in Season 2, so stay tuned!



Japanese Translation by Risa





Netflix – ダンジョン飯: https://www.netflix.com/title/81564899


1) 日本のアニメスタジオにとっても海外のアニメファンに何が流行るかを見極めるのは難しいと思いますが、「ダンジョン飯」がこれほどまでに海外でヒットしたことについて驚かれましたか?また過去に携わった作品と比べて、この作品が特に特に人気を集めた理由についてどのようにお考えですか?

宮島善博 トリガーではヒット作品を作ろうと思ってアニメを制作したことは今までないんですよね。会社の理念としては作ってる人が面白いと思える作品を楽しんで作る!というのがあります。なので海外のファンに喜んでもらえたのもそういった所からきているのかもしれません。もちろん原作の漫画が純粋にとても面白い!というのも大前提でありますが、制作陣のスタッフが心から楽しんでこの作品に携われたことが今の人気につながったんじゃないかなと思います。


2) 竹田さんは主にキーアニメーターや作画監督として知られていますが、「ダンジョン飯」では初めてメインキャラクターデザインを担当されています。(エピソードによっては作画監督も担当されています) 初めてのメインキャラクターデザインとしてのお仕事は今までの役割と比べていかがだったでしょうか?九井諒子先生のデザインをアニメ化するにあたって大変だった点は何ですか?

竹田直樹 過去にもトリガーでキャラクターデザインをやらせて頂いたことがあったんですけど、メインでやらせて頂くのは今回初めてでした。




3) アニメ制作中、原作者の九井諒子先生もどのくらい関わられていたのでしょうか?

宮島 全体的にちょこちょこサポートしてくださいました。最大のコラボは最終話で登場したイラストですかね。


4) アニメ・エキスポに実際にいらっしゃってアメリカのファンに直接会うというのはいかがでしたか?

宮島 アメリカのファンの皆さんの作品愛が強いなと感じました!僕も「ダンジョン飯」のファンの一人なので同じ気持ちで「ダンジョン飯」を応援してくれる人がいて嬉しく思います。

竹田: 実は最初は緊張していたんですが、アメリカのファンの皆さんがとても温かく歓迎してくれて、とても感謝しています。


5) 去年のアニメ・エキスポでは、ライオス役の熊谷健太郎さん、そしてマルシル役の千本木彩花さんに取材させて頂いたのですが、その際にお二人がスタッフの方がカブトムシやサソリを持参してみんなで試食したと伺いました。宮島さんと竹田さんも試食しましたか?また食べてみてどうだったでしょうか?実際に虫を食べてみて、食べ物に対する考え方に変化はありましたか?

宮島 2回目のアフレコの時に音響監督が持ってきたやつですね。自分はサソリを食べました。

竹田 僕もサソリを食べました。

宮島 抵抗もあったし、全然おいしくなかった。(笑) でも千本木さんが「これでうちらは仲間だ!絆が深まった!」って言ってました。(笑)


6) (※ネタバレ注意) 最近発表されたフィギュア、特にPOP UP PARADEのファリン(キメラ) XL sizeがこっちでもカナリ話題となっております。おそらくこのフィギュア、想像以上にかなり大きそうですが、このフィギュアは実際のスケールに合っていますか?

宮島 アニメでのキメラ化したファリンの体の対比は原作通りだと思います。漫画だとコマによってはサイズ感が違うこともあるので、それをアニメでは統一させました。実際のフィギュアを持つと鶏を抱いてるみたいな感じになります! (笑)


7) この作品ではいくつかの重要なテーマがありますが、特にどのテーマを伝えたかったですか?

宮島 もちろん、原作は漫画ですが、食べ物に対する私たちの考え方としては、「生きる為には、食べる為には、誰かの何かの命を消費するということ」ですかね。食に対する見つめ方はみんなで意識しながら作りました。


8) シーズン2が発表されましたね。注目ポイントがあれば教えてください!

宮島 細かいことはまだ言えないですが、シーズン2ではカブルーとミスルンの活躍を楽しみにしててください!

竹田 シーズン1では沢山のキャラクターが登場したと思うのですが、登場はしたもののそこまで目立った活躍がなかったキャラクターもいたと思うんです。ですが、そういったキャラクター達もシーズン2では大きく動くので楽しみにしててもらえると嬉しいです!





Delicious in Dungeon

Official (Japanese ): https://delicious-in-dungeon.com/
Official (English): https://delicious-in-dungeon.com/en/
X (Formerly Known as Twitter), Japanese: https://x.com/dun_meshi_anime
X (Formerly known as Twitter), English: https://twitter.com/dun_meshi_en
KADOKAWA Anime YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/KADOKAWAanime
Watch “Delicious in Dungeon” on Netflix: https://www.netflix.com/title/81564899
Read “Delicious in Dungeon” in English from Yen Press: https://yenpress.com/series/delicious-in-dungeon

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