In celebration of anime One Piece’s new film “ONE PIECE FILM GOLD,” a collaboration project, “ONE PIECE COLLECTION IN LAFORET” is on going until May 22nd.
One Piece is a national famous manga serialized in Shonen Jump and their upcoming film, “ONE PIECE FILM GOLD” will premier in Japan on July 23rd. It is announced that One Piece collaborated with more than 20 brands from La Foret Harajuku and these items are sold for a limited time. There are a variety of designs from each brand and you can find from simple design to bold design. These brands include Angelic Pretty, h.NAOTO, LOWRYS FARM, PUTOMAYO, and so on.
For those who purchased these limited collaboration items, you will receive one random original buttons out of 9 designs with Straw Hat Pirates characters.
Participation Brands List:
ALGONQUINS、Angelic Pretty、AS KNOW AS PINKY、BeautiK、CASPER JOHN AIVER 、DOUBLE NAME 、FRAPBOIS、gomme、GR8、h.NAOTO、LOWRYS FARM、Lycka、Maison de Julietta、mercibeaucoup,、Metamorphose HARAJUKU、MINTNeKO、NICE CLAUP、PUTUMAYO、rivet&surge、ROOM by VlliVlli、SUPER LOVERS、WORLD WIDE LOVE!、One Piece & Stocking Shop