GARNiDELiA to release new single and return to the U.S.
GARNiDELiA releases new single “Yakusoku -Promise Code-” Returns to the U.S. next month for a concert at Anime Weekend Atlanta! “Yakusoku -Promise Code-“, the latest...
GARNiDELiA releases new single “Yakusoku -Promise Code-” Returns to the U.S. next month for a concert at Anime Weekend Atlanta! “Yakusoku -Promise Code-“, the latest...
Interview and Translation by Melissa Japanese techno-pop sensation Perfume will soon embark on a US tour in support of their latest album“COSMIC EXPLORER“. The tour will start...
Popular idol group ℃-ute announced their disbandment in the June of 2017. On August 20, the group announced its intention to disband during a concert in...
Kyary Pamyu Pamyu has announced that she is collaborating with an overseas artist for her 13th single. On August 20, Kyary closed out her world...
Aoi Eir has announced that she is going on hiatus due to poor health. On August 18, the singer announced her hiatus through her official...
Aimer announced the release of her 4th studio album “daydream“. The upcoming album will be released on September 21 in 3 versions: CD-Only, CD DVD and CD...
8月11日、OBLIVION DUSTの「Dirty Heat Tour 2016」のツアーファイナルが東京 TSUTAYA O-EASTにて行われた。最新アルバム「DIRT」を引っ提げてのツアー。最終公演は外の猛暑に負けぬくらい熱いライブとなった。 午後7時—。ARIMATSU (Drums)、K.A.Z (Guitar)、RIKIJI (Bass)、yuji (Guitar)、そしてKEN LLOYD (Vocals)が順にステージに立つ。最初のナンバーは「In Motion」。最新アルバム「DIRT」のなかで、最もOBLIVION DUSTらしさが凝縮されている楽曲だ。CD音源以上に、ギターのロックサウンドが強調されている。さっそくモッシュが起き、ダイバーも出現。メンバーもファンも最初から全力でライブを楽しむ、それがこのバンドの魅力だ。 続くは「Microchipped」。中盤ではyujiがステージの前方へ歩み寄り、手拍子を促す。ハードな始まり方とは裏腹に、サビの爽やかな音色は青と緑の照明で彩られている。最後のK.A.Zのギターもサビから続き、解放的だ。 3曲目は「Death Surf」だ。5月に出演した「VAMPS LIVE 2016 ZEPP FUKUOKA THE...
OBLIVION DUST held their final performance of “Dirty Heat Tour 2016” on August 11 at Tokyo TSUTAYA O-EAST. This tour followed the release of their...
Members of American rock bands collaborated with Disney for the first-ever metal cover album of classic Disney songs! Five American rockers led by Japan-based American heavy...